"If I had to embrace a definition of success, it would be that success is making the best choices we can... and accepting them"
-- Sheryl Sandburg

Friday 10 March 2017

Time Management

How to kick of the balance you need

Do you ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day to do it all?

Stack, L. (n.d.).
With family, friends, work and life it is quite easy to get overwhelmed and begin to become disorganized. There are so many tasks to be done in a day and so much to be taken care of. This is why time management is so important.

Two methods of achieving a work-life balance for you busy working or studying parents out there, like myself, is prioritizing and then scheduling.

Stephen Covey, American author and businessman said, “The key is not to prioritize your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” -Stephen Covey Digital Quotes.

By determining what your priorities are and ranking them, 1-5 being the most important, you will get a better idea of how your time should be divided and how to schedule your very short 24hours. After determining what your priorities are and what needs to be done in each day you can then begin to develop a plan that will set out a guide on how your precious minutes each day will be used.

This video will show you how quickly your time could be taken if you do not prioritize tasks. 

Youtube. (2017) 

Identifying the most important tasks will help you with managing time as opposed to trying to fit everything in one day.

Another tip can be writing your hourly schedule in a planner or phone calendar of your day, this gives you something to stick and refer to.

Remember you can always move things around if new priorities come up through the day!

Check out this video on Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix to help you prioritize:

Youtube. (2012)

Stephen Covey's Time Management Matrix Chart:

Leave a comment below if you know any other tips or tricks that have worked for you!

Please like and don't forget to share with friends and family, they'll thank you for it.


Stack, L. (n.d.). Time Management / Scheduling / Planning / Prioritization – Managing Your Time, Priorities, and Schedule [Photograph]. Retrieved from: http://theproductivitypro.com/time-management-scheduling-planning-prioritization/

B. (n.d.). Stephen Covey Quotes [Digital image]. Retrieved from https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/s/stephencov133504.html

U. (2017, February 13). Time Management - Priorities Small | Medium | Big[Video]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTol69NdhiY

M. (2012, January 30). What Stephen R. Covey Taught Me About Time Management.mp4 [Video]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODyG5lKbH08

Maintaining Relationships

Prioritizing Personal Relationships

Are you finding that the relationships around you are taking a hit because you just don't have time?

Cook, J. (n.d.)
After being a stay at home mom for 5 years and having the luxurious time to chat on the phone and give freebie massages to my spouse regularly, I now find myself struggling to maintain the relationships with the people around me. 

With the hubby at work, myself being at school full time and taking care of our two little minions (our sons), I was starting to notice that our love life was slowly diminishing. In addition to that after starting school I’ve received multiple complaints from my best friend regarding the neglect she has been receiving from me (horrible I know). I knew that something would have to change. I began to develop some boundaries, incorporating more “us” time and started sticking to my scheduled priorities (as best as I could).

Member of Family Unit. 2016.
While the urgent continually begs for our attention, the important keeps silent. It patiently waits for us to take notice. While the urgent seeks us, the important waits to be sought by us. The important aspects of life take discipline to perform, while the urgent are accomplished on impulse. We live in constant tension between the two, don't we? Filling the needs of the moment causes us to become weary. We blame hard work for our anxiety. In reality, it is not hard work that produces stress, but doubts and misgivings about what we are doing. We have become slaves to the urgent. - Elise Arndt, author of  A Mother's Time.   J. S. (2010, March 26)

Let me assure you I haven’t figured it all out yet and I’m still taking it day by day. It helps that the people around you understand how busy life can be. It’s important to remember that just because our loved ones will always be there doesn’t mean those relationships shouldn’t be nurtured.

Here are some great tips and ideas on how to stay connected with family when you're away:

                                                                        Youtube. CNN. 2012

I’ve started setting daily quality time every night aside for my children. After they’re asleep I make it a priority to either connect with friends and family (thank god for technology), or just cuddle up and watch a movie with the mister.

I’ve found that putting my phone away for just a bit and really being in the moment is liberating. Having time for friends and family gives you a happiness that can’t be replaced, so it’s important to try your best to maintain these relationships.

Please like and don't forget to Share this video with friends and family.

Comment below do you have any tips or tricks you find useful?


Cook, J. (n.d.). Friday reflection [Digital image]. Retrieved March 9, 2017, Retrieved from http://www.letstalkaboutwork.tv/personal-relationships-harmful-job/

J. S. (2010, March 26). Prioritizing: What's Urgent, What's Important. Retrieved March 09, 2017, from  http://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/parenting-roles/stay-at-home-moms-taking-care-of-yourself/prioritizing-whats-urgent-whats-important 

Member of Family Unit [Family at the beach]. (2016, November 30 ). Retrieved from https://www.immigrationgurus.com.au/definition-change-member-family-unit/

C. (2012, September 12). Tips for parents who travel to help stay connected[Video]. CNN. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qtzj1Dx_wk