"If I had to embrace a definition of success, it would be that success is making the best choices we can... and accepting them"
-- Sheryl Sandburg

Thursday 9 March 2017

"Me Time"

Making Time for Yourself a Priority 

Child tugging on leg, ‘Mommy, I’m hungrrryyy!’ Phone ringing in background, ‘Hunny, have you seen my wallet?’ Phone still ringing in background, kids missing socks, lunches being packed, 5 unchecked emails from work...

Quote About the Joy of Solitude - Quote About Being Alone - Oprah Winfrey Quote. (n.d.). 
I know you have all felt as though you are being pulling in 1000 directions a day. Life is busy and you question if your sanity is intact daily. I assure you, you are not alone. Every day we wake up a mother/father, wife/husband, friend, business man/lady the list goes on. There are so many roles that must be filled on a daily basis, it can become overwhelming. This is why It is extremely important we don’t forget to give ourselves a little bit of time daily (if we get lucky), or at least once or twice weekly to recharge.

Cardiologist and author, Marianne Legato says, "If you never have any time except reactive time -- things you must do for others -- you don't have a sense of control. You are interrupted all the time. Your brain has trouble resting even during sleep. Such chronic exhaustion increases the release of stress hormones, and your blood sugar rises. If this is your normal state, then the physical consequences increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and memory problems."
Why me time is such a big deal? . (2006).

Why having a ME time is so important. (2015, July 13)
I speak from experience when I say self-love is extremely important to being the best you that you can be. Simple things such as sitting and reading a book, getting a pedicure, or just having time to meditate can centralize you and give you the break you need to take on the week.

Go enjoy some GUILT FREE alone time, you deserve it!

Comment Below: What are your favourite things to do during 'me time'?

Please like and share the message online to encourage friends and family to have guilty free alone time!


Why me time is such a big deal? . (2006). Retrieved March 09, 2017, from http://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/09/15/me.time.health/index.html

Quote About the Joy of Solitude - Quote About Being Alone - Oprah Winfrey Quote. (n.d.). Retrieved March 09, 2017, from http://www.oprah.com/quote/Quote-About-the-Joy-of-Solitude-Quote-About-Being-Alone-Oprah-Winfrey-Quote

Why having a ME time is so important. (2015, July 13). Retrieved March 09, 2017, from http://www.radiantpeach.com/me-time-is-so-important/

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